Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jet Black New Year

Jet Black New Year - Thursday
Happy New Year from your favorite realist A.D.Deeg! I hope everyone had a great New Years Eve and also a New Years day. I am just now getting a break at work to write so it is kind of nice to be busy for once after 12 p.m. But that just means I have more time to think instead of doing work, which you all know I have. But his post is more about New Years and new things that I plan on doing and plan on improving.
Its the final count down
                In theory, I personally do not need a “new year” to start something new or to improve myself. I rather use it as a bench mark. Just like a lot of people start their “new” activity on a Monday or a Sunday, so the week is rounded and it is easier to track. For me, an entire year started on January 1st. But I will get into what is starting new for me later in this post. For now, let us speak upon the topic of Partying.
                Best part about New Years last year was spending it with some of my best friends. But one of the most memorable things was partying at a venue that was considered “untouchable” before last year. The crew and I partied at the Seaholm Power Plant here in Austin and I must say, WOW. At the time, it was all new to me. Partying at a huge venue, on a big night, such as New Years, was just a crazy thought.  I was always the “house party” type or if I was in a relationship, the dinner/drinks type person when it came to ringing in the New Year. But last year marked a first for me and I can only assume for the other people in my crew. The night was just amazing. A little on the expensive side, but what do you expect? 2 dollar beers at a renovated power plant with near the amount of lights at a Ghostland Observatory concert? I don’t think so Tim.
                So moving on to this year’s celebrations, we (my crew and I) were blessed by the New Years Gods. Seaholm was hosting one more big party before they begin major renovations on the entire property. This means no renting of the space for quite some time and no big bashes to attend. So of course the crew was assembled, much like the news team was in Anchorman, and we set off on yet another great adventure.
                Now as always, the key to drinking and not driving is setting up drivers. We had thought ahead and ordered cabs for everyone way before we needed them. This way, all the ride situation was covered. Well what would you know, ordering 3 cabs under the same person apparently do not work correctly. CAB FAIL! But the ride situation was…situated so there was not much drama over that.
                Before going out, it is always a good idea to have a few drinks at the house, only when you have a sober ride down there. A.D.Deeg does not promote drinking and driving. So that is what I did. Everyone was toasting to the night with enough cheap champagne to fuel 10 high schoolers. Not to mention, all the tequila, whiskey, and vodka to keep the party going until the next year. (figuratively) So by the time I got down to the bash, I must say I was feeling great.
                So once we got there, the light show started. The venue was perfect. There were multiple bars set up, photo screens, mini food spread, and bathrooms located outside the building so that the funk would not mix with the funk on the dance floor. The stage itself was bigger and better than last year. The big hitters of the night were Ladytron and NASA. Both new to me, but played great sets along with great light shows.
                Well we all know what happens with me and big parties, and if you don’t, let it ride next time we are out. The drinks were reasonably priced so that was no big deal. I believe I spent more on transportation than I did on drinks. Something I am completely fine with but honestly do not prefer. So there we are, taking tequila shots, double fisting drinks because of the long lines, and living the dream. The New Year rolled around with a bang. Big lights, big music, and a lot of dancing and high fives floating around. What more could a boy ask for? I’ll tell you what…MORE DRINKS! Best part about buying rounds for 3 or less people is that you get your turn to not pay more often than you pay. So it works out in the end if you can keep track of your partners.
NASA lighting up the stage
                I worked my way up to the front of the dance floor and the stage. Crazy painted girls just flappin around all over the place. Big headed aliens jivin and breaking it down. The whole scene for NASA was just amazing. Not to mention the heightened fun levels I was experiencing at that point. Hanging with my best friend at the front of the stage for a good amount of time and not having a care in the world was one of the best ways I could have brought in the New Year. But then it hit me…
                The next morning I wake up, fully clothed, and fully shoed. WTF happened? At least I was home and safe. Our sober rides came through in the end so that was the best highlight of the night. The only problem is…I don’t remember anything after 1-1:30 a.m. I would call this a “brown out” because I do remember most of the night. Good thing for me is that I was safe and sound and sleeping as usual. I was just labeled the “drunk guy” amongst my crew. An honorable title to have but I have not held this prestigious position in quite some time. No time like the New Year right?
                So I nursed my hang over all day. Blah blah blah we have all been there. No use in talking about that boring part of the New Year. So now I can get into my own personal resolutions. Don’t have to hate on them because they are not yours…SO LAY OFF! Most of them are fitness/health goals just because it actually is the hardest thing I have done to date. So here we go
 Health and Fitness
  • Bench Press 315 lbs
  • Shoulder Press 185 lbs
  •  Squat 350 lbs
  •  Dead lift 325 lbs
  •  Run a 5k under 20 minutes
  • Rock Climb/Other Outdoor Activities
  • Get better sleep
  • 100% Paleo (+-5% for vacation and friends)
Other Resolutions/New Starts (starting today)
  •   Be a better friend
  •  Travel more to see friends
  •  Travel more to broaden my horizons
  •   Save more money and invest in common stock/Roth IRA/Savings
  •  Let people do what they want as long as they are happy (with minor “ball busting”)
  • Forgive but not forget
  • (This is one of my Favorites) If a friend asks me if he/she should do something, i.e. buy a girl shots, take a piano class, attempt to do a backflip, I am going to say yes all the time. Not only will I say yes with confidence, I will follow that statement with something very encouraging and uplifting. “What do we say in this situation?” “Yes” – Dennis – Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia
                These are just a few things I am going to start to better myself. Not to mention keep up with this blog as often as I can. And stay busy at work more often. I am sure they love paying me to read Digg, Stock trends and Google news all day but it’s not the best use of my time…wait…is this blog a better use of said time?!
                Don’t worry faithful readers. I know there are some of you out there, maybe not many just yet but there will be. I will be back to the old game tomorrow with a juicy thought for the eyes and the brain. Because I know I am not the only one around here who likes to break a mental sweat.

1 comment:

  1. Was right there with you on new years, Total Brown out.
