This page is dedicated to all the pages I visit on the reg. Some are friends blogs and some are great sites that everyone should know about. I will continually update them as I visit them. Stay tuned you might just find something you like.
Style Me Kasey - Kasey does a great job of profiling and picking out outfits that are great for all occasions. Also links to places that you can buy her preferred pieces at. A must have for any one.
Health and Fitness
Mark's Daily Apple - This is the first stop for all things primal and paleo. Mark Sisson is the master and the creator of the Primal Blue Print. Most of my recipes will come from his cookbook and also user submissions from this site.
Strong Lifts - Mehdi is a great motivator and trainer. Proven methods for gaining mass and improving strength. Offers step by step guides to every type of lift to build strength and power. Also has a great forum for all the questions
The Paleo Solution - Robb Wolf is a scientist and a nutritionist. His book, the Paleo Solution, is a great asset to the lifestyle. He offers great scientific evidence and methods to attain a more prosperous and long lived life.
Balance Bites - I found this site on twitter. Diane is a great provider of all things nutrition and health. She hosts seminars and is very responsive with her social media. Do not be afraid to contact her. She is just like anyone else who believes in something and you have to understand her enthusiasm.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon